Rest In Peace Albertina Sisulu
News Article written By:
Anita Dlamini
Activist, freedom fighter and grandmother of the nation Albertina Sisulu has died in her home in linden yesterday. Albertina Sisulu was one of the women who fought tirelessly for the liberation of South Africans, and the widow of Nelson Mandel’s mentor Walter Sisulu. Her death comes after she had voted in the elections on the 17th of May from the privacy of her home. She is internationally recognised as an advocate for education and woman’s rights, and on the 8th of December 2008 she signed a petition to the University Kwa Zulu Natal’s management to plea for the restoration of Academic freedom and freedom of expression. In 1987 while addressing the community of Soweto she said "women are the people who are going to relieve us from all this oppression and depression." The retired nurse was also the founder of several charities such as the Olando special needs community centre and a trustee to the Walter Sisulu Cardiac Centre in Africa. The news of her death sent shockwaves through social networks and as united nation morns her death celebrities have resorted to sending their condolences through the trending topic #Albertina. Albertina’s grandson Shaka Sisulu (@shakasisulu) tweeted at 10pm on behalf of the family saying "we are having a short prayer at gogo’s linden home. And then we shall close the house and comms (communication) till tomorrow. God bless you all. Goodnight". The Stalwart of liberation was only 91 yeas young. Rest in peace Gogo of the nation.