WOZA UZOZWA was an event planned by a group on campus called PULSE. Pulse is a group of young people who are a part of NCF Church; they love Jesus, love Fun and generally try to live life to the full! WOZA UZOZWA was an event aimed at pulling together a cross-section of different individuals on campus who appreciate music, as PULSE we used it as a platform to invite students to the ALPHA COURSE-a course that we are starting at church on Tuesday night. The course was designed by a lawyer by the name of Nicky Gumble who wanted to present the core beliefs of Christianity in a logical way in order for non-Christians to look at and decide if they were interested or not. The course is set up around a free meal, and addresses questions about Christianity such as “Who is Christ?” “Why did he die?” etc. If anyone is interested in taking part in the course-contact John 0741601961 or 208511520@stu.ukzn.ac.za on or before Tuesday night-transport will be provided.
WOZA UZOZWA from here on may or may not continue as a label that we will use on campus for music events. Performers at the event included Audio Love, The Prodigal (Nipho Mkhize), Melusi (Rapper), Agape and a dance by Elton & Co. Some impromptu songs were done by Omega, who is a pianist and a few members of other bands present. The evening was a great success and we look forward to more of its' kind! If anyone is interested in joining PULSE or finding out more of what we do on campus, sms on 0741601961 or email, 208511520@stu.ukzn.ac.za
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