Haffajee Does it For The White Masters
Article Written By:
Anita Dlamini
Sowetan columnist Eric Miyeni was sent packing after his publishing a fiery response to the City Press writing about African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) president Julius Malema. Malema,who renovated his 3 million rand home to appreciate it to the value 16 million rand mansion On a R25 000 salary, was investigated by the City Press concerning where he was getting his money from. In the article Miyeni personally attacks the City Press editor, Ferial Haffajee, accusing her of racism and self haltered, he also shares his views about the investigation of black people and their accumulation of wealth and failure to do the same for white people. While he raised valid points in his article, and expressed opinions which many South Africans share with him, the use of hate speech and labeling caused an outcry. Ferial Haffajee announced to be suing Miyeni.Miyeni in turn is adamant on suing the Sowetan, which has since removed the controversial opinion piece from their website. Dubbed a diehard Julius Malema supporter, and accused of having had been paid by the ANCYL to write the article Miyeni’s has become somewhat of an icon for the ANCYL, after it released a statement that South Africa needs less Hafajees and more Miyenis. Miyeni stands by his views and refuses to apologise for the use of hate speech. His article brings a lot of issues to the forefront. Are we constantly using the race card as a means to cover up for controversial and corrupt politicians? Is Malema’s wealth, which is the crux of this debate, any of our business? Are black leaders constantly subjected to criticisms by the media? Or is corruption just corruption no matter the skin colour or political affiliations? The legality of City Press’ investigation has been called into question while the ANCYL seeks a meeting with the Sowetan ‘right wing’ to get an explanation of Miyeni’s dismissal from his weekly column.